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Click for Blacksburg, VA Forecast

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Start of Something New!

Well, i'm trying this again. I have been looking for a good way to get my weather station info out for everyone to see and use and have it ACTUALLY be easy and USEFUL for everyone other then my few very loyal nerdy fans (you know who you..LOL).

So this is now the "START" (again) of my very long endeavor...

Hope it proves to be useful. If not, back to the drawing board for me again!! :-)


  1. nerdy fans (you know how you..LOL). (fix that sentence!!)

    Love this page! Good work. Can you put a forecast on here? like a 3 day? or is that not possible

  2. LOL.. thanks for the catch!! Glad you like it. I will work on a forecast for you!! :-)
