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Click for Blacksburg, VA Forecast

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today's Weather: Ebullient


Cool and drier air to come over the next few days!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Bit Cooler Lately!

It's sure is nice to have the temps a bit cooler out these past couple of days! We even opened up the windows for a while! :-) The humidity and temps are going to be going up now, unfortunately, over the next few days. We should also see some rain and a few thunderstorms here and there. So I guess the air conditioner with have another workout!!!

Things I have added/changed:

  • US Temperature Map (Please let me know if you like it OR if it needs to be smaller OR just get rid of it!)
  • Moved some of the gadgets up from the very bottom, had some space to fill.
  • Also, the Google Call Me Widget is not working for some reason.. just FYI...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So... is it just me, or are we getting a LOT of rain this year so far? Glad I don't have a basement to worry about right now :-) I have been enjoying the story weather though... just as long as I'm not going to or coming home from work and DRIVING IN IT!!